Fewer Posts
I've decided to make posts on this blog less frequently. You already can get a good idea of my day-to-day life from the previous posts, so future topics will be more directly related to palmistry and the HumanHand.com website.
Palmistry and hand analysis research, discoveries and websites. Day to day experiences working and doing professional palm readings. The official blog for HumanHand.com
I've decided to make posts on this blog less frequently. You already can get a good idea of my day-to-day life from the previous posts, so future topics will be more directly related to palmistry and the HumanHand.com website.
12:59 PM
Last night I was reading palms at another event for foster parents, and once again noticed the same high occurrence of the double-loop thumb prints (also called double whorl ). About 25% of the hands I saw had at least one double-loop fingerprint on each hand, and a few people had it on 6 or more of the 10 fingers.
10:14 AM
fingerprint whorls,
foster parents,
Seems like the last blog post was just written yesterday. So much going on these days it's hard to keep up with it all. Then to top it all off the construction here has been terrible the past 3 days - We've had to keep going out to get away from the noise and vibration. This building renovation project is expected to continue through the Winter, but hopefully we'll have quieter days again.
9:06 AM
Palmistry and hand analysis can be closely tied to psychology in many ways. The Forer Effect and subjective validation are just 2 examples.
I have studied a "bit" of psychology previously, but now it's time to take it further and get some diplomas in the field. I'm enrolling first in a program on child psychology, then after that going on to adult psychology and councelling. The first course will be starting for me next month.
I don't expect my work with the hands will be well received there - In North America and much of Europe, psychologists and medical doctors tend to be among the most anti-palmistry of all occupations. Should prove interesting...
Check out this awesome new telephone design by Sunman Kwon. A wrist strap turns your hand and fingers into the input buttons.
12:37 PM
New hand gesture recognition technology from Victor Company of Japan Ltd. now makes it possible to control the television without a remote.
Tech-On!: Victor Company of Japan Ltd. (JVC) demonstrated a "handclap & gesture recognition TV" at CEATEC Japan 2007, which opened Oct. 2, 2007.
In the demonstration, the company operated the TV using its capability to sense the sound of handclaps and the gesture of a hand and fingers. The TV collects the sound of handclaps using the microphone on its top and distinguishes commands based on the timing and number of handclaps.
The TV detects hand gestures in the video being monitored with its camera and lets the user specify an icon by locating the hand on it and click an icon by bending and extending a finger.
As the TV recognizes a hand based on its shape, other things like sticks are not detected. If multiple hands are detected, the TV will give priority to the one at upper right.
10:13 AM
gesture recognition,
hand gestures,
hand movements,
Palmistry is one of those grey areas when it comes to its governing laws and regulations in most countries. Normally it's the municipal laws and by-laws that you really have to look at. To read palms in one city may require nothing - Not even a business license. In another area you might need a business license and then have to make applications for additional permits as well, all prior to doing any paid palmistry work.
For example, in Santa Barbara California you have to look at Chapter 5.40 of their municipal code. There you'll find that palmistry is specifically listed as one of the "fortunetelling" practices that requires an "appropriate business tax".
The Santa Barbara Independent: We’ve all seen the signs for Madam Rosinka’s fortunetelling businesses, but other than that, we’re no Salem. Or so it seemed before reading Chapter 5.40 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code.
Not that such practices are discouraged — rather, they’re perfectly permissible, so long as the magician pays the appropriate business tax. Among the professions for which a permit is required are astrology, palmistry, phrenology, life reading, fortunetelling, cartomancy, crystal gazing, and clairvoyance. You think that’s a comprehensive list? No. There’s also clairaudience, magic, necromancy, psychism, psychometry, mind reading, mental telepathy, automatic writing, spirit writing, trance mediumship, and sandgazing. If you’re reading this and asking, how could they have forgotten potion making in this list, rest assured — they didn’t. They also included materialization, ballot reading, conducting trumpet séances, prophecy, augury, divination, and the making of “magic articles.”
6:25 AM
fortune telling,
palm reading,
Somehow wound up with a worm virus in my computer. Don't know yet how it got there in the first place, or how much damage it did before it was caught and repaired. So far everything is back and seems to be working fine (knock on wood)...
11:28 AM
Your bad driving habits may be hurting you more than you realize - Perhaps doing as much harm as smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day.
Take a look at your fingernails. In palmistry the "moons" at the base of each nail show how well blood and oxygen are circulating through your body. Too large of moons reveals excessive action of the heart (such as high blood pressure), while fingernail moons that are too small show weaker heart action and potential circulatory problems.
More and more I have been encountering very small fingernail moons on physically fit, active, and relatively healthy individuals. Sometimes these small moons can be attributed to carbon monoxide exposure from regular jogging along busy streets, or from smoking cigarettes. Yet in so many cases there seemed to be nothing in the lifestyle that would cause circulatory problems.
Well, today I drove on the freeway in rush hour traffic - Something I almost never do anymore. It quickly became pretty obvious where many people are getting their excessive carbon monoxide exposure. Just take a look at how close some drivers stay behind the car in front of them. If you don't leave enough space between you and the car ahead of you (especially in slow or stopped traffic), you may as well just put your mouth around a tailpipe and suck the exhaust straight in that way.
So there's one more reason to develop good driving habits - Follow too close and it's as if everyone in your car (children included) is chain-smoking cigarettes the whole time you're behind the wheel.
2:07 PM
carbon monoxide,
driving habits,
fingernail moons,