Hand Analysis Hint on Pinky Rings
To wear a pinky ring or not... Here's an easy hand analysis interpretation you can test out with your friends and your romantic possibilities. Look to the space between the baby and ring fingers. How accurate is this with the people you know?
Risk taker in romance and love. Little finger straight, long, and leaning out to the side away from the ring finger reveals a "free thinker" not bound by conformity and the restrictive values of others. New exciting ideas and behavior are normal for this person's quick sharp mind. She or he needs mental stimulation and loves fun both mentally and physically. Willing to take a risk if the payoff looks good.
A hint to guys: If she is wearing a delicate ring on the little finger, you better get ready for some hot action!
A hint to women: Go buy a nice pinky ring if you want more action!
A hint to all: A big heavy gold ring on a man's little finger reveals money is used for a feeling of power in place of weak sexual energy.